gwup | die skeptiker

… denken kritisch seit 1987.

„Busting the Myths“: GWUP-Vorsitzender Amardeo Sarma beim INFODEMIC-Kongress

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GWUP-Vorsitzender Amardeo Sarma war im April bei der (englischsprachigen) Online-Veranstaltung

INFODEMIC: Global Conversations on Science and Misinformation

des Aspen Institute zu Gast.

Zusammen mit dem CICAP Executive Director Massimo Polidoro bestritt er den Programmteil

Busting the Myths: From Propaganda to the Paranormal

Two myth-busters, from Italy and Germany, reveal their scientific approaches to debunking conspiracy theories, fake news, supernatural claims, and pseudoscience.

Darüber hinaus ging es um

  • Science Denial in a „Post-Truth“ Era (Video)
  • Dousing Denial: The Pandemic of Climate Change (Video)
  • Science Faction: When Disinformation Creates Divides (Video)
  • When Governments Ignore Science (Video)
  • Science in the Face of Natural Disasters (Video)

„From this global community of science advocates who have a common goal of making science a guiding force for all, I was gathering stories and lessons not found in mainstream American media,” said Executive Producer and Director of the Aspen Institute Science & Society Program Aaron Mertz.

„I wanted to bring these underrepresented voices to as wide a public audience as possible so we could learn from others’ successes and pitfalls, and apply what we learn from the COVID-19 pandemic to how we tackle other scientific crises like climate change and respond to natural disasters.”

Zum Weiterlesen:

  • To Understand How Science Denial Works, Look to History, Scientific American am 1. Dezember 2020
  • The Antiscience Movement Is Escalating, Going Global and Killing Thousands, Scientific American am 29. März 2021
  • Skeptical Science: Die Geschichte der 5 Techniken der Wissenschaftsleugnung
  • Grams‘ Sprechstunde: Wir müssen den Verlust von Vertrauen in Rationalität wettmachen, spektrum am 20. April 2021
  • Das Prinzip Skepsis: GWUP im „National Geographic“-Magazin, GWUP-Blog am 1. März 2015
  • Faktenflucht als Zeitkrankheit, GWUP-Blog am 6. März 2015
  • Podcast Wissenschaft im Dialog: „Wissenschaftsleugnung“

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